Our YouTube Channel, GramersiTV Relaunches On Wednesday

Last year, we launched our YouTube channel, GramersiTV, and a few weeks ago, – based on the data (and video popularity), – we decided to make a small pivot/shift.

Over the past few weeks, you may have noticed that we’ve been re-uploading our old archive video content into new, shorter videos. The reason we did this, is because the data showed that our shorter videos were the most popular ones, and so our new pivot/strategy moving forward is simple: upload more short videos.

And with the improvement (and refinement) of our own internal processes (not to mention the technology now available to us), we want(ed) to make sure that our YouTube channel maintains ONLY the highest quality video content, from now onward.

And now that the process of re-uploading our old content into shorter videos is complete, last week, – we embarked on a mass video ‘cull’ across all platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram), and on our website. This means that moving forward, you’ll find ONLY the highest quality (and shorter) videos on GramersiTV.

We’ve also deleted the old video categories on our website, and we’ve added a BRAND NEW video category to the top navigation/menu, called ‘GramersiTV,’ – to make it easier for you to sift through all of the video content posts on our website.

On top of this, we’ve also gone back through all of our historic video posts, and we’ve embedded those videos into these posts, and we’ll continue to do so with each new video added to a post on our website in future.

Our new weekly video schedule will be as follows:

Related Products
  • PRODUCTcasts every Monday,
  • ADVICEcasts every Wednesday,
  • And THOUGHTcasts every Thursday.

On top of this, we also have dozens upon dozens of exciting new videos across the above categories scheduled to go out in the coming weeks, and the first video that will make up part of this brand new relaunch, – features Shaz Nawaz (‘The Profit Wizard’).

The video launches on Wednesday, and Shaz discusses the ‘5 numbers that every entrepreneur needs to know.’ You can set a reminder to watch that here.

And if you haven’t already, don’t forget to head over and subscribe to our channel here.

We have ambitious plans with our channel this year, with lots of exciting content coming out, and we don’t want you to miss out.


George Taylor @ Gramersi