BALANCE Conditioning Shampoo and Shave Bar

Disruptor London


Multi-Tasking Shampoo Bar supports the scalp and skin’s microbiome

Nourishes and revives hair with a gentle cleanse and deep conditioning benefits for more smoothness, shine and deep hydration while creating the right environment for a healthy scalp and skin microbiome. For all hair types and textures it can be used for hair, face, beard and shaving.

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A nu­tri­tious BAL­ANCE Con­di­tion­ing Sham­poo & Shave Bar to gen­tly cleanse, hy­drate and vo­lu­mize all types of hair. A bar es­pe­cial­ly adapt­ed to have a mois­ture bal­anc­ing ef­fect and im­prove the over­all health and look of your hair, scalp and skin.

Our pro­pri­etary for­mu­la con­tains a sus­tain­ably-sourced plant-pow­ered com­plex of:

– Turmer­ic Root pow­der and or­gan­ic Sea Buck­thorn oil. This pow­er­ful an­tiox­i­dant-rich duo of­fer the ul­ti­mate pro­tec­tion and bal­ance while strength­en­ing your nat­ur­al de­fence against ir­ri­ta­tions.

– Cocoa Seed But­ter im­proves scalp dry­ness and re­stores tired hair.

– Ben­tonite Clay detox­es and gen­tly ex­fo­li­ates the scalp and skin.

– Phy­tok­er­atin with its nour­ish­ing and hy­drat­ing prop­er­ties pro­vide ex­cep­tion­al mois­ture and con­di­tion­ing to yourskin and hair fi­bre, strength­en­ing it as well as tam­ing your fly­aways.

– Pan­thenol (Pro Vi­t­a­min B5) helps strength­en hair, re­tain mois­ture, and im­proves the tex­ture of dam­aged hair.

– In­ulin, a 100% nat­ur­al in­gre­di­ent ex­tract­ed from the chico­ry root, to hy­drate, con­di­tion and re­plen­ish the hair, scalp and skin

– Sodi­um Cocoyl Isethion­ate + Co­cami­do­propyl Be­taine both are nat­ur­al, palm-free, coconut de­rived sur­fac­tants to wash away dirt, ex­cess oil and re­move prod­uct build-up while gen­tly cleans­ing.

We bal­anced the scent of this bar with or­gan­ic es­sen­tial oils of pi­quant Gin­ger for its stim­u­lat­ing prop­er­ties and crisp Lime for its with up­lift­ing, in­vig­o­rat­ing aro­ma.

Additional information

Weight 100 kg
Dimensions 6 × 4 × 6 cm

Male, Female, Unisex


50 grams, 100 grams

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