Meet Fiona McArthur, The Chocolatier Behind FETCHA Chocolates

Meet Fiona McArthur from Fetcha Chocolates. Fetcha uses plastic-free, fully-biodegradable packaging. The products are vegan, palm oil-free, and allergen-free.

Fiona launched the business, because it seemed “unfair to [her] that so many allergy-free chocolate brands are aimed primarily at children, with very few making ‘grown-up’ chocolates” for ALL dietary requirements. Also, with Fiona’s background (her degree) in Environmental Science, it bothered her that “so many boxed chocolates come wrapped in plastic, with a plastic tray insert.”

And then Fiona became a vegan: “when I became a vegan, I struggled to find luxury, giftable chocolates for friends and family that weren’t all dark chocolate, or in exotic flavours. It was only whilst working in my friend’s sweet shop, that I became aware of the high demand for gluten and soy-free products,” said the Scottish Founder.

So Fiona endeavoured to make some herself, to see if they’d be popular, and: “after seeing someone’s face light up when [she] told them that despite their allergies, intolerances, or ethics, they could safely enjoy [her] products,” the writing was on the wall.

Fetcha Chocolates officially launched in December 2019. But the business really got going in September 2020. Also, this isn’t Fiona’s first business, either. After University, the food entrepreneur set up a successful celebration cake business, but medical reasons inspired her to change careers, and this led her to work at a friend’s sweet shop, which was when the lightbulb moment for Fetcha occurred.

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And moving onto sustainability: “Sustainability was built into the business from the inside out. All of the ingredients are palm-oil free, and many are organic and Fairtrade. The packaging is 100% plastic free and fully biodegradable, and as a business, we also plant trees in the UK and abroad,” said Fiona.

But it hasn’t been easy: “sourcing dairy, gluten, soy and palm oil-free ingredients, and plastic alternative packaging can be incredibly difficult, and it can take a lot of time and energy, but I SO am proud to have been able to do this without compromising on the great taste, quality and look that customers expect from a box of luxury chocolates,” she said.

Since launching, Fiona has been selling her products online (successfully) to a loyal customer base, and via wholesale to 20+ shops around the UK. NOW, she’s in the process of fitting out a retail space: she’s preparing to open her first brick-and-mortar location in a small town in the Scottish Highlands, where the business is based.

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