Mamamade: The Organic Meal Box Brand (For Babies + Toddlers)

Sophie Baron

Mamamade: on a mission to change the way that modern parents feed their babies + toddlers, – with specialised meal boxes for each stage of the weaning process.

Loved by celebrities, Mamamade makes mealtimes easier for parents of babies and toddlers aged 6 months to 4 years, – with their organic, ready-made meal boxes (which can be served as either puree, mashed, OR left solid).

The full range consists of 45 diverse meals and finger foods, and these can be purchased on their website (as either a one-off pre-made bundle, OR on a subscription basis). Mamamade customers can also curate their own unique meal plans, – best suited to their little one’s individual preferences.

Each meal is prepped, not processed, and Mamamade uses 80+ nutritious ingredients throughout their recipes, – all of which are 100% organic, plant-based, AND they’re ‘free-from’ the top 8 allergens (milk, soya, and peanuts, etc): the recipes are specially created by professional chefs, and expert nutritionists.

Unlike other baby food brands in the category, Mamamade uses 100% recyclable packaging, and carbon-neutral shipping, – with a zero food waste policy (accommodating modern parents who are eco-conscious, health-oriented, and in some instances, – time scarce, too).

“Our mission with Mamamade is to break the stigma that parents become heroes overnight. We want to empower parents to lead busy lifestyles (whilst juggling parenthood), by making it easier to provide their children with nutritious, freshly-cooked meals, whatever stage of development they’re at,” said Mamamade’s Founder, Sophie Baron.

We’re helping to raise the next generation of planet-conscious children, and this starts at the weaning journey. We’re only just getting started at Mamamade. Already, we’ve built a strong community of over 35,000+ fans, – including the Mumfluencer, Lucy Meck! Stay tuned for more exciting flavours and recipes, as we’re adding and updating all the time.,” added Sophie.

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Sophie Baron started Mamamade in 2019 from her kitchen, following the birth of her daughter (during the weaning process). The mother-now-Founder quickly realised that there was a lack of healthy, convenient baby and toddler food, – so she set about creating her own.

After graduating with a B.A cum laude from Columbia University in New York, Sophie served as a right-hand to the Editor-at-large of US Vogue, Hamish Bowles. This role gave her the skills in content development and community building, – that she continues to use today in her own business, Mamamade.

After moving to Paris, and then to London (to complete an MSc/MPhil in International Relations at the London School of Economics), Sophie joined Xexec, the leading corporate employee benefits provider in the UK, where she served as the Head of Operations. During this time, Sophie was responsible for the development of a Customer Loyalty product (where she built out the organisation’s customer service processes).

Since launching, Mamamade has experienced an impressive 1000% growth: the business has grown to a staggering audience of nearly 40,000 parents, with 200,000 meals being sent across the UK this past last year. Moving forward, Mamamade are well on track to deliver 300k+ meals by the end of this year (2021).

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