Tame Those Lock-down Eyebrows With Your Own ‘Brow-Lamination Kit’ From Brow HQ.

Brow Lamination is a trend that has taken the world by storm, and it’s become hugely popular amongst influencers, celebrities and beauty lovers, alike. In response to this trend, Brow HQ has launched their own corrective, two-step perming process, called the ‘Brow Lamination Kit.’

Traditionally offered as a salon treatment, Brow Lamination is a corrective, two-step perming process that relaxes and realigns brow hairs in place. The product enables you to replicate the treatment in the comfort of your own home. It’s the ultimate solution for correcting unruly brow hairs that do not have any symmetry, with a keratin treatment to stimulate the brows, strengthen the hairs, and create a fabulously ‘fluffy’ brow.

With safety at the forefront of everything that Brow HQ creates, their Brow Lamination Kit went through rigorous development, meaning that the product is 100% certified for home use, and not just professional use: it is paraben free and completely vegan-friendly! The kit enables at least SIX treatments.

Leisa Roberts, the owner of Brow HQ reveals how she turned her business around during the COVID pandemic: “Having been in the business since the early 90’s, I’ve worked with skincare companies, had my own beauty salon and now our gorgeous High Brow boutique/training academy. In this time, I have observed trends, customers’ needs and as a busy Mum, – I have been patiently waiting for the right time to give my first dream product the time and energy it needed.

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She added: “In March 2020, we were forced to close the doors to our lovely brow boutique/academy. So, whilst in quarantine, I knew it was the time to bring my dream alive. I knew our clients would be missing the salon experience, trends would be changing to more ‘home-based treatments,’ and the world of ‘fluffy brows’ was just coming alive.”

Founded in 2016, Leisa has gone on to launch more products: The Skinny Pencil (that can be used to create the finest detail, – giving you brows that are always on point or super fluffy), and her brand has now partnered with online retailer allbeauty along with launching her new Brow Soap (a plant-based, vegan-friendly styling soap developed by brow experts, with natural and cruelty-free ingredients – safe for both hair and skin).

Find out more here: https://www.brow-hq.com